Friday 5 July 2024

4shared no more

 Hello my lovelies, its been a minute hasn't it?

I am still around, just had so much going on this last year that my creative mojo seems to have taken an extended vacation.

Anyway the point of this post is to let you all know that all the 4shared links on the entire blog are no longer active.  I have  no idea what happened to 4shared but for months now all I get is a 404 error page, im assuming its the same for most of you too.  I am in the process of removing all 4shared links.

All Mediafire links should still be active but if you do come across any that aren't please do drop me a comment here, or a comment/message on my Facebook page Mizteeques Digital Designs or even drop a message in the chat box over at my forum Taggers Inn

Sunday 13 August 2023


 Hello everyone, 

Just a quick note to say I am taking a hiatus from making scrapkits.  

Over the last few years, life has changed quite drastically for me and my family and although we made it through relatively unscathed and still intact as a family, its taken its toll on my creativity.  

I also went back to work after 20 plus years as a stay at home Mum.  I absolutely love my job but it does cut into the time I used to have for creating.

I am not giving up making kits completely, I have several half finished kits in my files that I will complete ...... one day!  its just that right now I have absolutely no inclination or motivation.

I am still tagging when the mood and inspiration takes me, you can find me over at my forum Taggers Inn do come along and join us, we love to welcome new friends.  

Sunday 12 February 2023

New FTU kit - Maritime


27 elements
6 papers


If you have trouble downloading because of adfly
please read my post HERE

Tuesday 7 February 2023

New FTU kit - Heartfelt


59 elements
12 papers


If you have trouble downloading because of adfly
please read my post HERE

Monday 30 January 2023

What's Happening?

Hello to all you lovelies out there, 
I Figured it was about time I dropped by and left a little note, just to let you all know I am still around, particularly as its around 10 months since I last posted  Oops!

As for so many others across the globe, the pandemic has changed some things in my life.  Fortunately no one in my immediate family contracted Covid-19 for the first year and bit, and then my children both came down with it a few months ago, but again fortunately it was just a mild strain and they both just needed lots of bed rest and have recovered fully with no adverse side effects, thank goodness.
Neither hubby or I have had it so far (fingers crossed!)

Right at the beginning of the pandemic, we moved house.  We have a thing in the UK where if you live in social housing you can 'swap' your house for someone elses if certain criteria are met.   We have been here two years now and absolutely love it. 
It was absolutely the best thing we could have done, moved away from all the negativity and toxic people in our lives and we are all so much happier now. 

Also my youngest recently turned 18, left full time education and got himself a little job, so I figured it was about time I did the same and got back out in the workplace.
I was very fortunate to get an interview with the first 2 jobs I applied for, and waas offered a position with both.  I chose the right one for me and am currently training.  I love it so far!

All this means that my creativity has been very hit and miss for a very long time.  I can still be found most days,  tagging at my forum TAGGERS INN (we would love you to join us) and I create the odd mask and template now and then, but as far as scrapkits go, I just don't have the inclination and/or motivation for it at the moment.  
I have several half finished kits in my files, but absolutely no oompf! to get them completed.

Anyway thats about all thats been happening with me, just wanted to put it out there that I am still around and will be back to creating one day!!  In the meantime all my links should still be vaild and I hope you all keep creating with them.