Sunday 13 August 2023


 Hello everyone, 

Just a quick note to say I am taking a hiatus from making scrapkits.  

Over the last few years, life has changed quite drastically for me and my family and although we made it through relatively unscathed and still intact as a family, its taken its toll on my creativity.  

I also went back to work after 20 plus years as a stay at home Mum.  I absolutely love my job but it does cut into the time I used to have for creating.

I am not giving up making kits completely, I have several half finished kits in my files that I will complete ...... one day!  its just that right now I have absolutely no inclination or motivation.

I am still tagging when the mood and inspiration takes me, you can find me over at my forum Taggers Inn do come along and join us, we love to welcome new friends.