Thursday 16 December 2021

New FTU scrapkit - Gingerbread Christmas

Well who'd have thought it!?  
Two new kits in one week  !!

Gingerbread Christmas 
100 elements
5 frames
12 papers


If you have trouble downloading because of adfly
please read my post HERE

Sunday 12 December 2021

New FTU scrapkit - A Letter To Santa

 Well!  so much for my creativity returning, as I hoped it would 7 months ago!!
but I do have a new kit for you now so I hope
you feel the wait was worth it.

A Letter To Santa
75 Elements
12 Papers


If you have trouble downloading because of adfly
please read my post HERE

Saturday 15 May 2021

New FTU Scrapkit - Aged Crown

Aged Crown

79 Elements
3 Frames
21 Papers 


If you have trouble downloading because of adfly
please read my post HERE