Thursday 30 May 2019

New FTU kit - Birthstone collection - Topaz

Here is the 11th in my Birthstone collection


55 elements
5 frames
8 papers


Tuesday 28 May 2019

New FTU kit - Birthstone collection - Opal

Here is the 10th in my Birthstone collection for you


56 elements
4 frames
15 papers


Saturday 25 May 2019


So I was just messing around in psp and animation shop
and made a few blinkies

Someone may find them useful!

Gif format - just right click and save to your computer

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Monday 20 May 2019

New FTU kit - Birthstone Collection Peridot


This is the 9th (whoops! I can't count) 8th in my Birthstone Collection

65 elements
5 frames
12 papers